Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Ahead of Myself
I seem to keep getting ahead of myself with my blog posts....I have 7 posts that have been started but not finished. I can easily write down whatever the post is problem is attaching the pictures to go along with it since that requires me to upload the pics off the camera....I'm hoping to get at least a few of those 7 mostly finished posts on my blog soon. :)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Water Baby
It sure has warmed up quickly around here! It went from mid-60s temps to high-80s in less than two weeks it seems. We put Natalie in her baby pool for the first time this afternoon. She enjoyed it but was more interested in climbing out. Her Daddy even got in with her and helped her slide down her slide into the pool. (Her sun hat is suddenly too little probably due to her 90th percentile sized head. LOL)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
A Night Out
Monday, April 13, 2009
Hop, Hop, Hop...the Easter Bunny came
Here are some cute pics of Natalie exploring the fun things that the Easter Bunny left in her basket. I "staged" this a couple of times to try to get some good pics. She got some Crayola scribblers, a sippy cup, spoons, socks, and animal crackers. Ryan and I also got her a little chair (that you can see in the pics) as a late birthday present. Her Grandma and Grandpa brought her an Easter basket filled with goodies too.

Thursday, April 9, 2009
13 months
Natalie has an ever-expanding vocabulary. These are words she has now said: Hey, Hi, Dada, Daddy, Mama, Mommy, socks, shoes, hat, hot, cheese, baby, oh, see, side (for outside), hello (when holding the phone),balloon, bubbles, light, & fish. The first half of the list are words she says constantly.......the other half of the list are words she has said a few times but not daily. Of course some of the words are her best approximation.
She tries to put her arms through her sleeves and her legs through her pants when getting dressed. She tries to put sunglasses on her face and she can put hats on her head. She knows what her toy phone and real phone are for and she holds her hand up to her ear and tilts her head to the side when you show her a phone. She has also learned the sign for "dog" (she has picked up quite a few signs from her Baby Signing Time DVD that we weren't even trying to teach her). She signs "dog" to me ALL DAY LONG as if she is hoping one will suddenly appear for her amusement!

She really enjoys pulling all her books off the shelves. She is a very busy baby these days.
She tries to put her arms through her sleeves and her legs through her pants when getting dressed. She tries to put sunglasses on her face and she can put hats on her head. She knows what her toy phone and real phone are for and she holds her hand up to her ear and tilts her head to the side when you show her a phone. She has also learned the sign for "dog" (she has picked up quite a few signs from her Baby Signing Time DVD that we weren't even trying to teach her). She signs "dog" to me ALL DAY LONG as if she is hoping one will suddenly appear for her amusement!
She really enjoys pulling all her books off the shelves. She is a very busy baby these days.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Miss Cutie Patootie
Just a few pics of Natalie sporting a super cute outfit that Mimi got her for Christmas. At that time, it seemed HUGE so I put it away and intended to have it in the wardrobe rotation by her birthday since it has the cupcake on it.....well, of course, I just forgot all about it and re-discovered it this morning.
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