Natalie Claire is halfway to being a two year old!!!! Please slow down time, please!
She had her 18 month check up and is doing great. Our pediatrician asked me how many words she knows and I stopped to think; then he said, "Is it at least 20?" and I smiled and said, "It is at least 200." I'm such a proud Momma of my baby's verbal skills! She now weighs right at 25 lbs. (more on our home scales) and is 33 inches tall. She got a few shots and never even cried one tear!!!! The nurse was in awe (so were Ryan and I!).

We are trying to transition from two naps to one. It has not been the easiest thing to do and results in a grumpy, fussy toddler some days. So on most of those days we aim for an earlier bedtime. We've had to switch back and forth b/w two naps and one depending on how much sleep she has had. We're hoping Natalie will adjust to the new routine soon enough. I'm now beginning to think I know why so many babies & toddlers are whiny all the time though....it is because they are over-tired!
Natalie has learned Ring-Around-the-Rosy from her friend Claire. It is too cute, she sings it as best she can and twirls around and then falls down when she gets to the "all fall down" part at the end.

She is putting three words together now and says things like "see daddy shoes","go bye bye park","shhh dadda sleep", "where it go?" and "see big truck" (which doesn't sound quite like truck if you follow me so Ryan thinks it is pretty funny). She has learned the pronouns "me" and "I" which really baffles me as to how she even picked that up! She is super smart!

Natalie has such nice manners and has learned to say "please" and "thank you" and "bless you" when someone sneezes! She has also learned "yes" and "no" which helps when asking her questions but sometimes I wish she didn't know the word "no" quite yet. :)
She continues to impress us with the signs she learns from watching the Signing Time DVDs. The new ones she has learned this month are: please, bicycle, sleep, coat, hurt, boat, and book.