I am beginning to think maybe she is super smart b/c her vocabulary continues to amaze me each and every day. Being a speech pathologist, I like to keep track of all her new words (so bear with me). These are the new words she has learned this month: spoon, knee, boo-boo, tee-tee, cracker, up, teeth, more, clock, eat, fruit, trash, car, food, see, bib, purse, bag, bye-bye, suit (for swimsuit), shirt, book, bed, TV, cup, cat, back, and pact (for a makeup compact; her Grandma taught her this).
This will probably be the last month I try to keep track of the new words since at some point the list will be just way too long (hopefully). LOL. She actually even understands many more words than this.
Natalie also shakes her head "no" now in response to us (like, "do you want more milk?"). She follow some basic directions like "bring me your cup" and is proud of herself when she does it. It is really cute! She has also figured out how to flush the bathroom toilets and now one of them runs constantly. She has learned the signs "baby", "banana", and "fish". She suddenly just started doing these signs one night while in her highchair after dinner. She had the biggest smile on her face and was SO proud! She seems to be becoming obsessed (not really!) with the Baby Signing Time DVD and does the sign for "baby" and points to the TV and then gets her remote (yes, she really does that!) and sits in her little chair. So cute & sweet!
She really enjoys playing on our bed. She goes to it and points and says "bed" and then likes for us to get up there with her and hide under the sheets, roll around in the pillows, and bounce up & down. We also think she likes trying to walk on the memory foam top.
Her favorite thing to do is explore any & all new things. She also likes to "hoard" stuff (as I call it) and see how much she can carry around in her hands while walking all over the house. She likes to put things in & out of containers and take lids on & off.
Natalie still also really loves "side" and requests to go (out)"side" many times a day. She walks everywhere and tries to run all through the yard and enjoys picking up leaves & sticks & rocks. She keeps us on our toes that is for sure! We're loving every minute of it. :)
Now that she is trying to run everywhere she likes to escape after bath time and run all over the house naked as a jay bird. Too cute!
LOVE the bare booty!
Cute picture! Carson also gets the "big brain" comment at the doctor! Gotta love those big-headed babies!
isn't a naked baby the cutest thing EVER??!! Caroline does the same thing just before getting in the bath!
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