Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Natalie turns TWO!

Where, oh where does the time go? I have a feeling that I'll be saying that for many years to come.....our sweet "baby" girl turned TWO years old today (at 10:06pm)! She had a wonderful fun day and got to spend time exploring her new playhouse. She wanted to bring every single toy from inside out to her playhouse but we quickly had to limit that. LOL. We went out to eat pizza (Natalie's favorite food) with Mimi, Bebe, & Papa and then came back home to open presents and have homemade birthday cake (thanks to Ryan, he is such a great Dad!). She enjoyed her new sun hat from Mimi, her Mickey Mouse Clubhouse figures from Bebe & Papa, and her dress up shoes and tea set from Pepaw and Memaw. But, what she really enjoyed the most was the cake! Life is so innocent and simple for toddlers and during the few weeks before her birthday, when we asked her what she wanted, she would say "cake".... so tonight she seemed to savor every bite of it. :)


Anonymous said...

Natalie is so adorable! We have that same play house, and Olivia loves it! What precious pictures!

Wilson's Winners said...

already!? happy happy Natalie!

The Scott family said...

Love her dress!!!