Monday, April 13, 2009

Hop, Hop, Hop...the Easter Bunny came

Here are some cute pics of Natalie exploring the fun things that the Easter Bunny left in her basket. I "staged" this a couple of times to try to get some good pics. She got some Crayola scribblers, a sippy cup, spoons, socks, and animal crackers. Ryan and I also got her a little chair (that you can see in the pics) as a late birthday present. Her Grandma and Grandpa brought her an Easter basket filled with goodies too.


Sarah said...

Don't you love how they enjoy the grass in the basket more than the goodies? :)

Poks said...

Carla, I PROMISE that the last four or five times I've shown Riley pictures of Natalie, he's said "Nah-Nah". He says it right as her pictures comes up.