Saturday, May 9, 2009

14 months

(She was so proud of herself for being silly & cute and tilting her head to the side during breakfast the other morning)

I am trying to keep track of all the new words that Natalie says but it seems to be one or more new words each day so at some point I won't be able to keep up! New words she has said in the past month: ball, keys, nana (for banana), shovel, up, dog, pool, bird, broom, slide, snack, squirrel, bowl, Kix (the cereal), grandpa, grandma, Mimi, and Phe (Mimi's dog). She also has learned the sign for "bird".

She has started putting two words together (mostly in imitation of us) and has said: all gone, sit down, bald baby (this is what her Daddy affectionately calls her), Hey Daddy, not nice (that is what I tell her when she does something wrong like throw her cup down), night night, and out side (she thinks this is two separate words).

She shakes her head for no when she does something she shouldn't and before I even have a chance to say no.

She also knows quite a few body parts (nose, ear, feet, toes, eyes, & belly button) and can point to them when you ask her. She has learned to give eskimo kisses too and it is super cute.

Other exciting news is that she has taken her first steps since the 13 month update! The first time she did it was right before Easter and she has continued to do it more & more since then. She seems to take a few steps every couple of days and it is totally on her own terms. We practice walking with her each day which she loves but she still will not let go of our hand very often. We do think she is on the verge of just letting go & walking everywhere soon!

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