Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Scooting along

Natalie has been putting her hands out and pulling/pushing herself along the floor some. She isn't good enough yet for it to be really effective in getting anywhere but she can scoot a few feet if there is something she really wants (like anything that is an "adult" object). Sometimes she manages to go forward; other times it is backward. It sure is cute. Here she is practicing her scooting moves.


Poks said...

Natalie looks so cute!! She's probably going to be everywhere in no time since she's such a mover.

Amy C said...

I love these pics! Natalie looks good in that aqua/blue color. She's going to be getting it on that hardwood floor before you know it!

Amy C said...

You should have titled this post "Scooting Schoony!" ha-ha...

Sarah said...

So cute. I love the outfit too!