Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lots of "firsts"

Natalie has been a busy little baby lately and has started doing so many new things! In the past few weeks she has started talking- she says "Hey" and "Dada", she waves all the time and even says "Hey" while waving to people out in a store, she started army crawling, and she just started clapping her hands and doing patty-cake yesterday. It is SO cute! I have a video of her army crawling (from about 2 weeks ago) and also one of her playing patty-cake (this morning). She is almost 9 months old.

1 comment:

Poks said...

So cute! Riley was mesmerized! When you started saying “patty cake” and Natalie put her hands together, he lifted up his hand and looked at it. It was funny. We miss yall. He watched both of the videos all the way through.