Little Miss Natalie is busier than ever these days. She is learning to run and enjoys practicing that everyday. Her vocabulary continues to grow each day and is constantly amazing Ryan and I both. She picked up some more signs from her favorite DVD- horse, cracker, cereal, Mom, & Dad. She can sing some of the words to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and also Row Row Row Your Boat. It is too cute!
She has a new found love of dirt and likes to play in it any chance she gets. This is a huge thrill for her but not so much for me b/c I'm not really a dirt kinda girl. She is beginning to want to climb up on to the top of her picnic table, up onto the fireplace hearth, and she also tries to climb on to the top of the coffee table too! She can reach almost anything on the counters now by standing on her tippy toes and really stretching. We think we've put things out of her reach and suddenly she comes around the corner with it in her hand. All you can do is smile and laugh!
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