Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Foo Foo

We have a new creature who comes to visit us outside our kitchen window..........little bunny Foo Foo. Ryan set up a bird feeder (that I gave him for our anniversary) right outside the window and we have birds, squirrels, and chipmunks who visit it daily. Now, just in the past few weeks, we've noticed a rabbit in our yard. All of the sudden, last night & this morning, the bunny has come over to eat the grass that is springing up from the seeds on the ground. Natalie goes crazy and says, "foo foo, foo foo" over & over. Too cute! I sing Little Bunny Foo Foo to her and do the hand motions so when I told her that was a bunny outside the window she immediately called him Foo Foo. When he hopped away she said, "Bye Bye Foo Foo".

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