I just have to share this cute story and write it down here so that I can have it as a memory in future years. Ryan's parents, Bebe and Papa as Natalie calls them, were babysitting her this afternoon. Natalie was busily preparing food for them in her play kitchen area and bringing them over cups of coffee and tea, plates with pizza, and utensils and such. After awhile of "preparing" food and "serving" them, she held a play food tray in her hands and stood back, looking at them both, and announced very loudly and dramatically, "Is everything alright?".........oh my, too cute! I can just see and hear my little girl doing exactly that...she seems to have a slight flair for theatrics. LOL. :) Bebe and Papa said they were so amazed and shocked all at the same time. They also thought it was so cute it was funny if you know what I mean. They laughed really hard and then Papa decided Natalie was such a good waitress for checking on her customers that he gave her a dollar bill for a tip. Natalie proudly showed me her "tip" as she calls it when I got home. I don't think she even knows it is money (as she mostly thinks that coins are money) or a dollar bill, she just thinks it is a "tip"...haha. Where does she get this stuff from though? She is taking IT ALL in and hears any waitress/waiter at a restuarant ask us that and she also has seen a few Sesame Street segments that involve Grover working as a waiter.
p.s.- she can open the fridge on her own now, I thought she could awhile back but it was a fluke, now she for sure can open it and will do so if she is wanting something from out of there. Oh no!

(This pic is from one month ago)
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